Through the ACQJ network of domestic and regional collaborators, we set up, research, translate and help produce stories in Albanian, English, Italian, and Serbian for foreign journalists/film crews/documentary makers.

We are a one-stop-shop for all your needs, from finding the perfect filming location and booking your accommodation to accessing an interview with anyone, from central government institutions to members of remote communities.

The ACQJ Production Support Team acts as a stand-alone news and video production company. We source crew & kit, scout locations, hire logistics and get access to talent. We are thus a one-stop-shop for production service in Albania.

When you want a good report, documentary or film in another country, things don’t just happen. You need a film fixer smart enough to set up a plan, good enough to bring contributors and local crew onboard and reliable to get the job done. We specialize in service production in Albania and can handle both short projects with small crew, but also more complex regional assignments.

What kind of help can we offer?

  • Find the right contacts in political, academicals, military, security or economic networks. We also can help you find any Albanian people to testimony about life and news here;
  • Put you in touch with valuable contributors;
  • Organize a shooting, manage a time schedule;
  • Find the necessary venues for the shooting schedule;
  • Get official accreditations for you;
  • Help interpreting between Albanian and English;
  • Provide equipment or car;
  • Advice on ethical and cultural norms in Albania.

Contact us:

Submit a service request at:

Call us at: +355688563686

Visit us at: Rruga Pjetër Budi 69, Tirana, Albania

Qendra Shqiptare për Gazetari Cilësore
Rruga Pjetër Budi, 69


Telefon: +355 (0) 6 8856 3686

Investigative Network Albania

Teksti zyrtar është versioni në shqip i faqes së internetit. Kjo faqe përdor përkthim automatik përmes mjeteve të inteligjencës artificiale. Pavarësisht se ky përkthim është i një cilësie të lartë, rastis që të ketë dhe gabime dhe keqkuptime në kontekstin e produkteve. Duke qenë se është një teknologji e cila përmirësohet me kalimin e kohës, shpresojmë të qendroni me ne ndërkohë që perfeksionojmë këtë shërbim.

Copyright © 2024 Giljana Limani.  All Rights Reserved.

Copyright © 2024 Giljana Limani.  All Rights Reserved.
